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《关于和平的英语作文:safety and peace_700字》

提起关于和平的英语作文:safety and peace_700字,相信大家都不陌生,下面就一起看看娜娜作文网给大家带来的关于关于和平的英语作文:safety and peace_700字的作文吧!

  In the modern age,with the development of  globalization,peace and safety become twins major themes which lead people to be attention to them.what we could do when we confront with these issues which be closely linked to human life.

  In one hand,enhancing the communiation of technology of energy conservation that could  make our limited energy to sustain the life of ours continuously.For instance,objecting to lobby the war of nuclear ,taiwan issue of independence and terrorism.It's essential to disseminate the knoeledge about them.In particular,neither do protect the safety of worldwide,nor do mention the peace of worldwide.

  In a word, whether the world can develop steadily depends on whether the world keep safe and  peaceful.  So it is undoubtedly that the majority who love peace and look forward to developing together.

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